FAT Tracker


That is it! I am fed up with being FAT! I started my last diet on Monday 5-3-10, I started at 214lbs and got down to 201. And then it slowly crept it's way back up to 213 where i have been for about 6-9 months until Dec 2011 where I balooned up to 218.5lbs! Not happy about it....so...come hell or high water I am doing it for good this time. Mc Donald’s may go bankrupt, but that is a price I am just going to have to pay. I am starting off small, with a goal of 10lbs. It is achievable, and a target I can easily keep my eyes on. The bathroom scale just might implode with all the abuse it is about to get, but since there is no government agency in charge of keeping a fat chicks scale safe, it is a risk I am willing to take. So I will lovingly say goodbye to my raspberry mocha frappachino’s, French fries, and Ice Cream this weekend. Dear lord, I have a giant box of clothes that I love, that I haven’t seen in years. I am sick of these fat clothes. Sick of being out of breath all the time. Sick of not being able to keep up. I suffer fromPCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome which is the symptomatic version of PCOD. My last glucose test was not good. I am now insulin resistant or a more fatal term, pre-diabetic. I cannot continue to torture my body this way anymore and expect to have a wonderful long life. I have tried the drug Metformin in the past, and it made me feel ill all the time. I will have to do the Atkins or South beach diet, as anything with carbs of any kind, is a no-no for my disease. I will need to go shopping this weekend so that I am prepared on Monday morning with a breakfast that will he. Before my long drive to work, that results in being hungry by the time I pass McDonalds. I would like to actually drive BY the golden arches, rather than be lulled by the smell of sausage and hashbrowns. And……while I am at it, I think I will quit smoking too!

So there you have it. I said it. Put it in writing. I surely must have to do it! Right?

Join me for a wild Ride!

Skinny On

Friday, October 29, 2010

Well, my cardboard is finally here!

My oh My!  finally....get to start the diet.  yesterday was my first day.  it was interesting to say the least.  so these meals...you are suppose to eat five of them a day, plus one lean meat and green vedgie meal.  So i started my day off with a food bar....not bad.  not great....but not bad.  peanut butter flavor.  I got to work and decided to try the cappucino...OMG...I about died!  it is far from coffee let me tell you.  starbucks would be out of buisness if they sold that crap!  So I had to remind myself....it is a 'coffee' FLAVORED meal.  that should speak for it self.  so i mixed in the hot water and waited for the 'soaking' period to be done.  i kept stirring, and stirring.....and stirring......but it was not fully disolved yet.  I emailed my friend who has had alot of success on this diet.....
i wrote....."what the F@#$ is floating in my coffee?" 
she replied...."floating?  did you stir it?" 
"my arm is about to fall off, what do you think?"
'i don't know....never had that flavor before, what does it look like?"
"Gel balls from the inside of a diaper"
"yuk....keep stirring"

so i did.  i came to the descision it was jut faster to rip the bandaid and slurp the floaters out in flailed swoop.

it took me about 45min to get close to being done drinking it.  on my third to last sip, as I tipped the cup up I was shocked to see this pile of congealed gloop at the bottom of the cup.  I stared at it for a while, and my co-workers stared at me laughing.  it soon became a topic of discussion and an oddity not to be missed, like the ones you pay a dollar to see at the carnival.  too bad i didn't charge for the show.

a few minutes later, i got up the courage to chew the last of my 'coffee' and be done with it for the day. But now it was time for lunch....which thankfuly was a far cry better on the palate.  chicken noodle soup, and oatmeal for a afternoon snack...both of those were edible for sure...although after the cappucino, i think i could have eaten dog crap and been happy.

6 meals a day comes out to eating about every 2 hours during my waking life.  i never realized how much that would be....untill the food left me full and with no desire to eat anymore of it.  So I couldn't eat my 5th 'meal' of the day.....and just waited until my lean and grean meal.  i wish i would have thawed something out.....but i was tired and lazy and settled for left over chicken and steamed spinach......YUMMM!

I woke up this morning and was 2lbs lighter....too bad I have to lose the same 7 lbs time and time again.

I tried the scrambled eggs this morning....YUMMY....seriously.....YUMMY.....and the crab soup isn't too bad either...though i think they use the word "crab" a bit loosly.....it was "meat stuff" but crab??  i dunno bout that.....at least it tasted like minastronne soup.  not bad.  i think i just may survive this.....

as long as i stay away from the cappucino!

Skinny On

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