FAT Tracker


That is it! I am fed up with being FAT! I started my last diet on Monday 5-3-10, I started at 214lbs and got down to 201. And then it slowly crept it's way back up to 213 where i have been for about 6-9 months until Dec 2011 where I balooned up to 218.5lbs! Not happy about it....so...come hell or high water I am doing it for good this time. Mc Donald’s may go bankrupt, but that is a price I am just going to have to pay. I am starting off small, with a goal of 10lbs. It is achievable, and a target I can easily keep my eyes on. The bathroom scale just might implode with all the abuse it is about to get, but since there is no government agency in charge of keeping a fat chicks scale safe, it is a risk I am willing to take. So I will lovingly say goodbye to my raspberry mocha frappachino’s, French fries, and Ice Cream this weekend. Dear lord, I have a giant box of clothes that I love, that I haven’t seen in years. I am sick of these fat clothes. Sick of being out of breath all the time. Sick of not being able to keep up. I suffer fromPCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome which is the symptomatic version of PCOD. My last glucose test was not good. I am now insulin resistant or a more fatal term, pre-diabetic. I cannot continue to torture my body this way anymore and expect to have a wonderful long life. I have tried the drug Metformin in the past, and it made me feel ill all the time. I will have to do the Atkins or South beach diet, as anything with carbs of any kind, is a no-no for my disease. I will need to go shopping this weekend so that I am prepared on Monday morning with a breakfast that will he. Before my long drive to work, that results in being hungry by the time I pass McDonalds. I would like to actually drive BY the golden arches, rather than be lulled by the smell of sausage and hashbrowns. And……while I am at it, I think I will quit smoking too!

So there you have it. I said it. Put it in writing. I surely must have to do it! Right?

Join me for a wild Ride!

Skinny On

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hmm, guess my fat ass needs to blog more!

Weight: 202, cigarettes: no change.

So it was brought to my attention today, that someone wants me to write more about my fat ass getting a little less fatter!  So here I am.  2lbs from my first goal, and after my birthday lunch a few hours ago.....I have lost all feeling to my legs from my pants cutting off the circulation!  Seriously!  But it was sooooo goooood!  As I sit here at my desk, with my pants unzipped, needing to pee really bad, but unwilling to suffer the pain of zipping up to make the trip to the loo.  No worries, by the time my jeans and thong get done with me, my legs will be removable like Barbie's.

Good new is that I am trying a new diet for my birthday.  It is called Medi-fast, and it is something like dehydrated card board.  Apparently you have to soak your food for an hour before cooking it or something like that, but cult masters claim it is tasty.  I have been steared clear of the "nasty' flavors, and will be given a list of approved "recipes'.  I use the term 'recipe' loosly of course, as it basically is just mixing two flavors of cardboard together to get a new flavor.  Reputable sources say that it is tastier than Jenny Craig.  But I say, MY tastebuds will be the judge of that.  It will take a while to get the food delivered, but have no desire to pay extra shipping charges, when I can stretch out the love of a muffin just a few days longer.

Who wants to have a birthday and eat cardboard?  Unless they have cardboard frosting, I can wait to get started!  So here is a funny "Jack Ass' moment, just for you Jill!

So i lost enough weight to get into the jeans i am wearing today.  I wore them last friday, and by 2pm as they were cutting me in half at my desk, they had lost all appeal.  So on my long drive home I unszipped.  Forgot about it when i got home and I got out of the car took 3 steps and found myself a bit of a breeze on my bum.  Now this would not be so bad had I not been sporting a new thong from Victoria Secret, and NOT facing my neighbors window, in which her 40yo nephew peers from often!  Oh well, it is probably the most ass he has ever seen.  I am all about supporting the geek squad, you never know when my computer might crash and i need a little helping hand.  Best to butter the bread ahead of time, so I get no him'n and haw'n in the midst of a blog related emergency!

Well, for now I am just trying not to get fatter as I await my cardboard, ready to eat meals (1hr after soaking)

Skinny On

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